Legal Notice

Navigation on this website is subjected to these terms of use. By accessing the information made available by GROUPE MLD on their website, you acknowledge having read these terms of use and accept them.

This website is published by GROUPE MLD.

Applicable law :
The content of this website is governed by French law.

Personal data :
The nominative files that are the subject of a computer processing on this website have been declared to the National Commission Informatique et Liberté. In application of the law Informatique et Libertés n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, you have a right of access, opposition and rectification of data concerning you.

General Data :
Protection Rules, the information collected on this form is recorded in a computerized file to respond to your request. We do not share this data with third parties. Your data is kept only for the duration of the response to your requests and then destroyed.

You may exercise this right at any time by sending your request in writing to the applicant at the following email address:

Cookies :
Non-personal data is collected during your navigation, by a system of cookies, for statistical purposes. These files stored on your computer allow GROUPE MLD to record the information about your navigation on the site (pages consulted, date and time of consultation, …).

In no case does this data allow us to identify you, their only purpose is to help us to offer you a facilitated access to the proposed services and to improve this website. You can oppose the registration of cookies by configuring your browser according to the modalities detailed on the website of the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (

Content of the site:
GROUPE MLD cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, updating or completeness of the information provided on this site. Consequently, GROUPE MLD declines any responsibility for any imprecisions, inaccuracies or omissions relating to information available on this site.

Intellectual property:
This website, as well as all the elements the component (in particular texts, photos, videos, brands, …), constitute a work of the spirit in the sense of articles 112-2 and following ones of the code of the Intellectual property, recovering as such of the French and international legislation on the Literary and artistic Property.

The copy of pages of the website on whatever support (including hard disk) is authorized for private purposes only. Consequently, any representation or reproduction, even partial, which could be made of the website or elements composing it, for commercial purposes, without the prior written consent of GROUPE MLD is unlawful and likely to constitute an act of counterfeit involving liabilities civil and criminal law of the counterfeiter.
The rights relating to commercials and the musical works included in these films are reserved for the benefit of the owner of the recording of the work concerned.

Hypertext links:
The hypertext links set up within the framework of this present website towards other websites present on the Internet network, cannot engage the responsibility of GROUPE MLD with regard to their contents or the links which they contain, as well as their operating conditions (including management of personal data, etc.).
The possibility of establishing simple hypertext links to the site is subject to the prior agreement of GROUPE MLD. Any deep hypertext link or using the technique of « framing » (displaying a page in a frame within another site), is prohibited.

Exemption from the technical responsibility:
GROUPE MLD undertakes to make every effort to ensure that the website is accessible at any times. Nevertheless, GROUPE MLD declines any responsibility in case of difficulty of access to its website or interruptions in the connection, whatever the causes. In particular,  GROUPE MLD reserves the right to proceed to any modification of the website that it considers useful, and this without warning and even if access to the site is consequently interrupted.

Moreover, GROUPE MLD cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, including inaccessibility to the website, loss of data, damage, destruction or virus that could affect your computer equipment, and / or the presence of virus on his website. You acknowledge having verified that the computer configuration used contains no virus and is in perfect working order.


Legal information:

Site Editor: GROUPE MLD



Publication Director: Michel LEGRAS

SIRET: 514 872 878 00020

N° TVA Intracom: FR 55 514 872 878

Hosting:  OVH – 11 Parvis Rotterdam, Tour Lille Europe, 59777 Euralille

Copyright ® GROUPE MLD – All rights reserved